At that time, I who in addition to the committee ICT 2004 was also a singer and dancer at a team of ICT 2004 should follow the practice of dance in East GKU. At that time I took a white plastic bag containing a collection of groups that already complete passport from the stage secretary and gw gw taro with a bag on a metal chair deket ATM BNI East GKU ITB. The plan I will take it home after dance practice so that it was safe passports. For once, I feel PSM secretary-ITB is not safe for things such as a passport, let alone a passport that has a complete entourage.
Then, when I selese dance exercise, a collection of the passport was not there in the bag i! I was confused and asked to all the committee if anyone took. Nothing exciting answers. Until late last night and I finally gave up because not met and decided to go home. Tomorrow, tomorrow I do not keep quiet and still keep track of where kira2 stuff. Period there is a nyuri passport. What 4? Moreover, not everyone knows that plastic bag containing a passport! For Sale behavior like that?
Until one day [I forget after a few days] I talk to four eyes with committee chairman ICT 2004. He said his passport was already in its safety box PSM-ITB alumni initials "R". Yesterday was the ngambil-ga-say-say a plastic bag containing a collection of the passport it was her, the idea of "R". "R" I think negligent and need to be taught a lesson in that way to be more aware of how noble the passport. Looks like the sentence, the word "noble" is more appropriate to replace the use of the word "precious". The chairman of the committee also thought I neglected to put the passport in a plastic bag, then stored on the stage secretary PSM-ITB, which continues I take it and put the bag deket gw in an iron chair deket ATM BNI East GKU ITB.
Gw with explosive personality when it would become angry than relieved to head panita it. DAMN! How could I not create a calm for days! I have a team with him for some time in the PSM-ITB and ICT 2004! Should have been enough to know what kind of personality, weaknesses, and strengths we each appreciate and understand how to behave and help one another. I say when I eased the anger that when I bring a plastic bag containing the passport to a practice dance because I intend to move a plastic bag containing the passport from the secretary to the dorm room, I because I feel more calm with the goods in deket gw. Overview and from the look on his face that I pelototi, chairman of the committee I feel a little sorry to hear the explanation I, but of course the prestige beat anything right? Huhuhu ..
I never been able to sincerely accept the lesson, until now! I now understand why only fewer in their eyes I once considered so guilty and deemed not care to put a collection of passports because passports entourage on stage and in deket secretary gw bag on a metal chair deket ATM BNI East GKU ITB.
But until now, I looked at that sentence seems a bit excessive Qo huh? Gw defense is, in addition to the mission I want to bring it to the boarding bag I, while those in the brain that I was not just a passport, O you people who feel wise! Tickets, plane entourage, entourage visa, singing and dancing training, preparation FPS ITB 2004, and COLLEGE! Brain, memory, and focus again panas2nya. There may be certain people are cool to have the energy to think of a punishment than a good speech. But I do not as cool as that and certainly there are terlewatlah with all the baggage that thought.
I feel I still deserve the Qo treated better as diingingetin directly by saying "Bien's passport essential items, secure first GIH in a safer place. The lu taro on stage secretary and chair of East GKU iron. Gile lo!"
Better that way, I guess!
I felt I could sue them both to be more mature. Or is it possible for a person / two people, making life uneasy for several days as punishment-for-something lead to a sense of relief and pleasure then? I originator. Did I mistake this time could be synchronized with the things that need to be punished emang / judged as:
- deliberately put the emblem of Ganesha ITB becomes inverted / naked on the stage of an international seminar, or
- put a picture of the president with teeth blackened all over Bandung, with the words "Wanted".
Hahaha, lebai ..
The point I asked until now:
- whether the mistake I need to punishment like that? or ..
- the time that I considered too ignorant and stupid to accept a suggestion that delivered good?
only God, the committee chairman ICT 2004, and "R" who knows the answer ..
besides still hurt, I know that I should soon be able to clear the chest and say thank you with sincerity because maybe it is one important step in the maturation gw ..
(_ _ )v
Then, when I selese dance exercise, a collection of the passport was not there in the bag i! I was confused and asked to all the committee if anyone took. Nothing exciting answers. Until late last night and I finally gave up because not met and decided to go home. Tomorrow, tomorrow I do not keep quiet and still keep track of where kira2 stuff. Period there is a nyuri passport. What 4? Moreover, not everyone knows that plastic bag containing a passport! For Sale behavior like that?
Until one day [I forget after a few days] I talk to four eyes with committee chairman ICT 2004. He said his passport was already in its safety box PSM-ITB alumni initials "R". Yesterday was the ngambil-ga-say-say a plastic bag containing a collection of the passport it was her, the idea of "R". "R" I think negligent and need to be taught a lesson in that way to be more aware of how noble the passport. Looks like the sentence, the word "noble" is more appropriate to replace the use of the word "precious". The chairman of the committee also thought I neglected to put the passport in a plastic bag, then stored on the stage secretary PSM-ITB, which continues I take it and put the bag deket gw in an iron chair deket ATM BNI East GKU ITB.
Gw with explosive personality when it would become angry than relieved to head panita it. DAMN! How could I not create a calm for days! I have a team with him for some time in the PSM-ITB and ICT 2004! Should have been enough to know what kind of personality, weaknesses, and strengths we each appreciate and understand how to behave and help one another. I say when I eased the anger that when I bring a plastic bag containing the passport to a practice dance because I intend to move a plastic bag containing the passport from the secretary to the dorm room, I because I feel more calm with the goods in deket gw. Overview and from the look on his face that I pelototi, chairman of the committee I feel a little sorry to hear the explanation I, but of course the prestige beat anything right? Huhuhu ..
I never been able to sincerely accept the lesson, until now! I now understand why only fewer in their eyes I once considered so guilty and deemed not care to put a collection of passports because passports entourage on stage and in deket secretary gw bag on a metal chair deket ATM BNI East GKU ITB.
But until now, I looked at that sentence seems a bit excessive Qo huh? Gw defense is, in addition to the mission I want to bring it to the boarding bag I, while those in the brain that I was not just a passport, O you people who feel wise! Tickets, plane entourage, entourage visa, singing and dancing training, preparation FPS ITB 2004, and COLLEGE! Brain, memory, and focus again panas2nya. There may be certain people are cool to have the energy to think of a punishment than a good speech. But I do not as cool as that and certainly there are terlewatlah with all the baggage that thought.
I feel I still deserve the Qo treated better as diingingetin directly by saying "Bien's passport essential items, secure first GIH in a safer place. The lu taro on stage secretary and chair of East GKU iron. Gile lo!"
Better that way, I guess!
I felt I could sue them both to be more mature. Or is it possible for a person / two people, making life uneasy for several days as punishment-for-something lead to a sense of relief and pleasure then? I originator. Did I mistake this time could be synchronized with the things that need to be punished emang / judged as:
- deliberately put the emblem of Ganesha ITB becomes inverted / naked on the stage of an international seminar, or
- put a picture of the president with teeth blackened all over Bandung, with the words "Wanted".
Hahaha, lebai ..
The point I asked until now:
- whether the mistake I need to punishment like that? or ..
- the time that I considered too ignorant and stupid to accept a suggestion that delivered good?
only God, the committee chairman ICT 2004, and "R" who knows the answer ..
besides still hurt, I know that I should soon be able to clear the chest and say thank you with sincerity because maybe it is one important step in the maturation gw ..
(_ _ )v